
Getting paid

Gimme the loot, gimme the loot

Feb 23, 2024


Managing cash can be difficult when your monthly outgoings are fixed but your income is variable and comes from working flexibly for multiple companies who pay on different schedules.

Inevitably, something unexpected come up and you need access to cash, quickly.

What are your options?

Fortunately is a thing of the past and nowadays most of the platforms offer a cash out option, albeit they charge you for the privilege.

How do the platforms make payments?

Uber: pay day is Monday, cash out costs £0.50

Deliveroo: pay day is Tuesday, cash out costs £0.50

Just Eat: pay day is Tuesday (most of the time), no cash out

So while we know that Just Eat has the higher fees per order, you cannot cash out and must wait for the (somewhat unreliable) Tuesday pay run.

We can do better

Work directly for businesses with Rodeo Works and you get paid the next day, for free.

And we think we can do it even quicker (instantly!) in the future.

We don’t do this because we have to - it’s not great for our cashflow - we do it because we know how much it matters to you. The response and gratitude we've had has been overwhelmingly positive so we'll keep doing it for as long as we can, hopefully forever.

We want to remove as many of the trade-off’s that come with flexible work as possible. This is just the beginning.