
Uber Eats Top 10

Where are the best places to get orders on Uber in 2024?

Sep 2, 2024


Last week we asked you what you thought the top 5 busiest merchants were on Uber. Now it’s time for the results…

This follows some similar analysis we did on Just Eat a few weeks ago. The results have some similarities but also some notable differences.

🍟 McDonald’s is once again in the top stop although with a lower number (23%) than on Just Eat. This figure also includes the orders placed in the McDonald’s app and fulfilled by Uber - watch this space for some in-depth analysis on the McDonald’s market coming soon.

🍗 KFC is also in second place, like Just Eat. KFC has seen a big increase orders on both platforms since breaking up with Deliveroo last year.

🛒 Co-Op makes it onto the podium reinforcing Uber Eats’ strength in groceries (6 out of the top 10 merchants are grocers 😮).

Tesco is in 5th despite not even listing on Uber Eats. This is because Uber does most of the fulfillment of orders places directly with Tesco in their Whoosh app.

Does this surprise you? Have you found that you are working in different places or at different times because of the changes in which merchants are busiest? Head over the Rodeo Feed to share your experiences.

Rodeo estimates based on aggregations of more than a million orders by thousands of drivers.